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Selected Publications
*If you do not have free access to journal articles and want to read something, feel free to contact me.


Graham, Nicolas. 2021. Forces of Production, Climate Change and Canadian Fossil Capitalism. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill and Haymarket.

Journal Articles


Neubauer, Robert, Nicolas Graham and Helena Krobath. 2023. “Defending ‘Canadian
Energy’: Connective Leadership and Extractive Populism on Canadian Facebook
.” Environmental Communication 17(6): 634-652.

Graham, Nicolas. 2023. “Planning and the Ecosocialist Mode of Cooperation.” Monthly
Review 75(3): 126-141.


Neubauer, Robert and Nicolas Graham. 2021. “Fuelling the Subsidized Public: Mapping the Flow of Extractivist Content on Facebook.” Canadian Journal of Communication.

Carroll, William K., Nicolas Graham and Mark Shakespeare. 2021. Mapping the Environmental Field: Networks of Foundations, ENGOs and Think Tanks. The Canadian Review of Sociology 58(3): 284-305.

Graham, Nicolas. 2020. Fossil Knowledge Networks: Science, Ecology and the “Greening” of Carbon Extractive Development. Studies in Political Economy 101(2): 93-113.

Carroll, William K., Nicolas Graham and Mark Shakespeare. 2020. Foundations, ENGOs, Clean-Growth Networks and the Integral State. Canadian Journal of Sociology 45(2): 109-142.

Graham, Nicolas, William K. Carroll and David Chen. 2020. Carbon Capital’s Political Reach: A Network Analysis of Federal Lobbying by the Fossil Fuel Sector from Harper to Trudeau. Canadian Political Science Review 14(1): 1-31.

Graham, Nicolas. 2019. Canadian Fossil Capitalism, Corporate Strategy and Post-Carbon Futures. The Canadian Review of Sociology 56(2): 224-250.

Carroll, William K., Nicolas Graham, Michael Lang, Zoë Yunker, and Kevin McCartney. 2018. The Corporate Elite and the Architecture of Climate Change Denial: A Network Analysis of Carbon Capital’s Reach into Civil Society. Canadian Review of Sociology 55(3): 425–50.

Graham, Nicolas. 2017. State-Capital Nexus and the Making of BC Shale and Liquefied Natural Gas. BC Studies: The British Columbian Quarterly (194): 11–38.

Graham, Nicolas. 2015. Ecological Forces of Production. Capitalism Nature Socialism (26)2: 76-91.

Book Chapters

Graham, Nicolas and William K. Carroll. 2022. “Climate Breakdown: From Fossil
Capitalism to Climate Capitalism (and Beyond?).” Pp. 25-46 in Capital and Politics: Socialist Register 2023, edited by G. Albo, N. Aschoff and A. Saad-Filho. London: Merlin Press.



Daub, Shannon, Chuka Ejeckam, Nicolas Graham and Zoe Yunker. 2021. “Doing

Things Better Together: Industry Capture of Climate Policy in BC.” In Regime of Obstruction. Athabasca University Press.

Carroll, William K., Nicolas Graham and Zoe Yunker. 2018. “Carbon Capital and Corporate Influence: Mapping Elite Networks of Corporations, Universities and Research Institutes.” Pp. 58–73 in Corporatizing Canada. Toronto: Between the Lines.

Public Sociology

Graham, Nicolas, William K. Carroll and David Chen. 2019. Big Oil's Political Reach: Mapping Fossil Fuel Lobbying from Harper to Trudeau. Vancouver: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.

Graham, Nicolas, Shannon Daub and William K. Carroll. 2017. Mapping Political Influence: Political Donations and Lobbying by the Fossil Fuel Industry in BC. Vancouver: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.


University of British Columbia, Department of Sociology

6303 NW Marine Dr, Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z1


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